Must Have’s

Cape Town Baby


Martine Aubin’s bright and colourful “Read-To-Me” or “Read-Alone” first reader is a handy hardcover book, with tough almost “tear-proof-to-little-fingers” pages.  Click here to order.


The Arniston 1815-2015 – A village remembers

arniston cover proof V11.cdrArniston, or Waenhuiskrans, is a place with two names and many histories. Marius Diemont’s narrative adds the vivid voices and memories of delightful characters, as abundant in local colour as the water, and evening and morning clouds that sweep across the bay. In the texture of the tale, we sense why this place evokes such fierce loyalties, and deep attachment. This is the third Arniston book with an affiliation to the Trust.

 Arniston / Waenhuiskrans – Martine Aubin

Martine AubinThe author (Martine Aubin) has spent the past fifty plus years growing up in Arniston. The book is partly autobiographical, partly historical, and the text brings additional life to the images that she has captured over the past 6 years. Proceeds of sales go to the Waenhuiskrans/Arniston Community Development Trust.

Geological Highlights of the Arniston Region – P.D. Toens and W.E.L. Minter

Sample Toens Poster kleinAn interesting, authoritative and perceptive overview about the geological highlights of the Arniston region over the past 300 000 and more years has been compiled by Drs P. D. Toens and W.E.L Minter.

Tale of the Shipwrecks at the Cape of Storms – John Gribble and Gabriel Athiros

boek1Shipwrecks are links to splendid stories from history and also storehouses of wonderful archeologi-cal and historical wealth. Tales of Shipwrecks at the Cape of Storms by John Gribble and Gabriel Athiros is an accessible book which chronicles the history of some of the well known shipwrecks. This book, published by Historical Media in 2008, can be ordered from all good book stores or from the publishers (Historical Media cc | PO Box 30375, Tokai, 7966 | |

Voetspore in die Gonnabos – Pieter Swart

boek2Pieter Swart’s book Voetspore in die Gonnabos is a fabulous record of the history of Arniston as told by the people of Arniston. The book is can be ordered and purchaced from Pieter Swart in Arniston (083 963 7987).

The Strandveld: Africa’s Foot of Isolation – Marius Diemont

The Strandveld

This illustrated account of the Strandveld, the coastal region from Hermanus to the Breede River, deals with its history, communities and of the arrival of development and inevitable change. The emphasis is on the uniqueness of the Strandveld, its isolation, contrasts and unspoiled beauty. Available at




Die stranding van die VOC-skip Schoonenberg:  Waarheid en Verdigsel – Jan Malan

Hierdie nuwe boek, gegrond op ‘n omvattende studie van primêre historiese bronne, het pas by Africana Uitgewers verskyn.   ‘Ek bly op die skip so lank daar nog hout bo water is!’ Dít was die uitdagende woorde van skipper Albertus van Soest nadat sy skip vóór ligdag op 20 November 1722 by Struisbaai op die rotse geloop het. Die bemanning het hom geïgnoreer en holderstebolder na die land gevlug.

Alle toepaslike brondokumente uit die Kaapse argief is nou die eerste keer noukeurig nagegaan om die volle, boeiende verhaal van die Schoonenberg se stranding en van die latere wedervaringe van die skipbreukelinge te kan vertel. Die skipper en sy bemanning word goed leer ken, en Goewerneur Mauritz de Chavonnes en sy amptenary, en  die Here XVII uit Nederland, laat van hulle hoor. Ook Hendrik Klopper van Uilenkraal; Jacques Malan, stamvader van Suid-Afrika se Malans en wynboer van Morgenster, en sy buurman op Vergelegen, Jacob van der Heijde, word raakgeloop.

Aan ou gerugte van ‘n skat in Vergelegen se wingerde, is in die twintigste eeu nuwe momentum gegee deur skrywers soos Eric Rosenthal en Lawrence Green. Hulle romantiese Schoonenberg-verdigsels met die tema van ‘n verborge skat, intrige, moord en vergelding, was so gewild dat dit byna die historiese waarheid verdring het.

Ten slotte word vertel hoe wrakduikers, amper toevallig, in die troebel waters van Northumberlandpunt by Struisbaai op oorblyfsels van ‘n wrak uit die tyd van die VOC afgekom het. Met inagneming van historiese aanduidings van die strandingsplek, kon hulle dit met net een skip verbind: die Schoonenberg.

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