More than thirty students are supported by the Trust in 2016. More than twenty of them are senior students; nine are first year students. They represent the future of the Arniston fishing community. It is a pleasure to support them.
Amanda Afrika

Amanda Afrika

Fouth year BSc Earth Sciences, University of Stellenbosch. Since her studies commenced, Amanda has passed almost all her subjects with disctinction. She is planning to start her Medical degree in 2017.

Inge Baatjies

Inge Baatjies

Third year, Bed, CPUT. Inge passed her first and second years with distinction.
Desireen Carelse

Desireen Carelse

Second year, Secretarial Studies, Boland College.
Roxzanne Flynn

Roxzanne Flynn

Fourth year, Nursing, CPUT. Roxzanne passes her third year with distinction (cum laude).
Nicole Lourens

Nicole Lourens

Godfrey Gertse

Godfrey Gertse

Third year, Public Administration and second year Occupational Health and Safety at the Oxbridge Academy.

Jody Marthinus

Jody Marthinus

Third year, Bcompt (Internal Audit), UNISA.
Lee-Ann Murtz

Lee-Ann Murtz

First year, BSc Biotechnology, University of Western-Cape.
Maxine Nel

Maxine Nel

First year, HR Management, Damelin.

Bradferd Newman

Bradferd Newman

Fourth year, LLB, University of Western-Cape.
Jeanrin Scheepers

Jeanrin Scheepers

First year, Btech, Hospitality Management (Chef), CPUT
Keziah Smith

Keziah Smith

Third year, LLB, University of Western-Cape.

Jean Afrika

Jean Afrika

First year, Human Resource Management, Northlink College.
Ethan Cloete

Ethan Cloete

Second year, MCSE and CISCO, CTU Training Solutions, Stellenbosch
Rozanne Farao

Rozanne Farao

Ridowaan Hartnick

Ridowaan Hartnick

First year, Business Administration, CPUT
Grant Marthinus

Grant Marthinus

Third year, Megatronics, CPUT.
Melissa Marthinus

Melissa Marthinus

Fourth year, Hospitality Studies, Northlink College
Stephanie Murtz

Stephanie Murtz

Third year, Nursing, Western-Cape College of Nursing
Chad-Leigh Newman

Chad-Leigh Newman

First year, B.Ed, University of Stellenbosch.
Brendill Sebonka

Brendill Sebonka

First year, Bcom (Business Management), University of Stellenbosch.
Nicole Saayman

Nicole Saayman

First year, B.Ed (foundation phase), University of Stellenbosch
Sherlete Swart

Sherlete Swart

First year, Office Management, Boland College Caledon.

Bevan Arends

Bevan Arends

First year, Sport Management, Stellenbosch Rugby Academy.
Kaylin Bernado

Kaylin Bernado

First year, Diploma in Hairdressing, BN Academy.
Jerme Europa

Jerme Europa

First year, Occupational Health and Safety, UNISA.
Danielia Felix

Danielia Felix

Second year, Nursing, Netcare Academy.
Gail Leonard

Gail Leonard

Third year, B.Ed, North-West University. Gail teaches Grade R at Waenhuiskrans Primary School. She is doing her degree through distance learning.
Jamain Marthinus

Jamain Marthinus

Second year, Electrical Infrastucture Construction, Boland College, Caledon.
Mondy Marthinus

Mondy Marthinus

Third year, Welding, Boland College, Worcester.

Fenito Mehl

Fenito Mehl

First year, Electronical Engineering, University of Stellenbosch.
Abraham Newman

Abraham Newman

First year, Human Resource Management, BMT College.
Jeanrick Scheepers

Jeanrick Scheepers

First year, B. Ed (Senior Phase), North-West University