Students of 2018
In 2018 thirty two students were able to study with assistance from the Trust.

Abraham Newman
Abraham is in his third and final year at BMT College. He is studying Human Resource Management. He passed his first and second years with distinction.

Ariel Smith
Ariel is studying for a Bachelor of Arts at UWC.

Beulah Marthinus
Beulah is doing the Community Healthcare Worker programme at Healthnicon nursing college in Parow.

Dianey Leonard
Dianey is doing a diploma in Business Management at BMT College. She also works full-time at Etna’s Accommodation in Arniston.

Gail Leonard
Gail is completing her B.Ed at North-West University. She is a Grade R teacher at Wagenhuiskranz Primary School. She is studying through distance learning.

Jeanrick Scheepers
Jeanrick is in his third year B.Ed (Senior) at North-West University.

Jody Marthinus
Jody is studying B.Compt (Internal Audit) through UNISA. Jody works as an accountant in George while studying part-time.

Lee-Ann Murtz
Lee-Ann is in her second year BSc Biotechnology at UWC. She passed her first year with two distinctions.

Miche Marthinus
Miche is studying Early Childhood Education (Level 4) at Boland College. She is working at Jolly Kids in Bredasdorp.

Rialdo Alexander
Rialdo is second year B.Com at UNISA. He is in his second year. He is working full-time at the Africa Centre for HIV/Aids Management at Stellenbosch University.

Stephanie Murtz
Stephanie is studying Education at UWC.

Amanda Afrika
Amanda is a second year MBChB (medicine) student at Stellenbosch University. In 2016, she graduated with a BSc in Human Physiology.

Bevan Arends
Eerste jaar, Sportbestuur, Rugby Akademie, Stellenbosch.

Chad-Leigh Newman
Chad-Leigh is in his third year B.Ed at Stellenbosch University. He passed his first and second years with distinction.

Dylan Smith
Dylan is studying Business Management at False Bay College. He works full-time at Etna’s Accommodation in Arniston.

Grant Marthinus
Grant studied Mechatronic Engineering at CPUT. He is now doing a six month internship in Cape Town..

Jamie-Leigh Marthinus
Jamie-Leigh is enrolled in the Scimathus programme (maths & science) at Stellenbosch University. She hopes to study medicine in the future.

Julian Europa
In 2017, Julian completed the Maties Referees Academy programme. This year he is studying Adult Basic Education through UNISA. He is part of the Western Province Rugby Referees’ Society for the Wineberg district.

Lucresia Minnaar
Lucresia is studying at Forensics for Africa for a certificate in Forensic Crime Scene Reconstruction.

Nicole Lourens
Nicole is in her second year B.ed at CPUT. She passed her first year with two distinctions.

Richard Newman
Richard is studying for Education Senior Phase at CPUT.

Amy Flynn
Amy is studying Hospitality Management at Northlink College.

Brendill Sebonka
Brendill is in his second year Financial Accounting at CTU.

Courtney Lourens
Courtney is in her second year studying a LLB degree at the University of Western Cape. She passed her first year with five distinctions.

Fenito Mehl
Fenito is in his third year Electronic Engineering at Stellenbosch University.

Houston Felix
Houston is studying Early Childhood Education (Level 4) at Boland College. He is doing his practical at the pre-school at Wagenhuiskranz Primary School.

Jared Coetzee
Jared is doing a Bachelor of Architecture at University of Cape Town.

Lucinda Europa
Lucinda obtained a diploma as professional hairdresser and is doing an internship in Cape Town this year.

Maxine Nel
Maxine is in her final year studying Human Resource Management at Damelin.

Nicole Saayman
Nicole is in her third year B.Ed (Foundation Phase) at Stellenbosch University.

Ruald Treu
Ruald is in his first year at the Sharks Academy in Durban. He is studying for a Bachelor of Commerce Degree.